The American College of Radiology states that no single diagnostic X-ray has a radiation dose that is high enough to cause damage to an unborn baby. However, what happens when a pregnant woman working as a dentist, dental hygienist or dental assistant, is exposed to multiple X-rays during the gestational period of her pregnancy? According to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, employees should not be exposed to more than 1,250 mrem of ionizing radiation dose per quarter, or 5,000 mrem per year. But a pregnant woman should only receive a fraction of that dose — 500 mrem — during her entire pregnancy.
Here are a few suggestions for keeping pregnant women in your dental office safe:
If a pregnant employee should experience the tragedy of a miscarriage or other problem with her pregnancy, she will want the peace of mind knowing that nothing she did could possibly have caused the problem. These precautionary steps, when followed, offer assurances that proper precautions were taken to prevent unsafe radiation exposure.